Weight Loss : How to Lose Weight Fast with the Paléo Diet

The best diet is the Palaeolithic

This diet is based on a theory that the best diet is the one that allowed the human race to evolve most rapidly during a certain period of prehistory, namely the food our ancestors consumed during the Paleolithic era.

Our genes are more adapted

The Paleo Diet is based on the assumption that our genes are adapted to a world in which our food comes from food gathered or picked in our natural environment and that it is this way of feeding that makes us the most fit And therefore thin. Therefore, we must eat the food for which our body was originally designed.

More organic food

The man at that time did not cultivate the land, he was simply a hunter, picker or fisherman. What he ate was far more organic than our diet today. This diet promises not only lasting weight loss but it also helps improve our natural defenses and our health in the face of diseases caused by the artificial and chemical ingredients contained in our current dishes.

It's easy to lose weight, just choose these foods

It seems rather complicated at first to have these kinds of eating habits today as we eat more and more quickly, without taking the time and our dishes are more and more based on food Industrialized areas causing many diseases that did not exist in the days of the cavemen.

The founder and advocates of the Paleo Diet simply advocated choosing foods that were widely consumed in the Paleolithic era. The basic rule of this slimming technique is to eat a lot of lean meats, fruits and vegetables (non-starchy) as described below.

Explanation of the types of food authorized by the Paléo diet

Food containing a lot of protein

You will eat a lot of lean meats, fish and seafood that are high protein foods that were very consumed by Paleolithic men. This food had a higher percentage of protein than fat, which had the effect of promoting their physical well-being and maintaining an ideal shape weight.

Foods high in fiber and few foods containing carbohydrates

Their diet also included a lot of non-starchy fruits and vegetables, which was their main carbohydrate intake. It should be noted that Palaeolithic men consumed much more fiber-rich and low-carbohydrate foods than we did.

Low-sugar foods

The other advantage of these foods is their lower glycemic index allowing better absorption and better digestion thereby avoiding too high sugar levels. The sugar they ate was not refined because it came simply from honey or fruit.

List of foods you can eat during your Paleo diet

Lean meats (organic preferably) such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, duck and other wild game. Preferably the parts such as organs, offal (liver) and bones (to make broths)
Fish and seafood (preferably from the market rather than supermarkets)
The eggs (if you live close to a farm enjoy to eat quality eggs if not favor organic eggs)
Fresh fruits and vegetables provided they do not contain starches
Nuts, seeds and oil
Sea salt and spices

Why some foods should be removed in the Paleolithic diet?

No cereals

The food of the Palaeolithic men contained practically no cereals. Their fiber intake came mainly from non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Cereals require a transformation to be consumed, which was not done at this time, as we recall, the men were gatherers or hunters and not farmers or farmers.

No dairy products

So there are no dairy products for the same reasons.

No legumes

Legumes are also absent from this diet because they only appeared at the beginning of the agricultural era.

No artificial food or ready meals

All processed, manufactured or industrialized foods must be banned because they are food products derived from the invention of the modern world and often have nutritional values ​​far less attractive than naturally occurring products.

List of foods you should avoid:

Cereals - all products containing cereals such as bread, pasta, biscuits, oats
Legumes - all kinds of beans, peas, peanuts and peanut products, lentils, soybeans
Dairy products - milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream
Refined sugar - soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, sweets and other sweets
Processed foods - fatty meats, pre-packaged snacks, sauces and seasonings
Salt and all kinds of salty foods
Refined vegetable oils

How will you lose weight with the Paléo diet?

The Paleolithic thinning method helps you lose pounds through 3 mechanisms:

Healthier Eating

Our modern diet contains far too much fat, dyes and chemicals harmful to our health. So avoiding its foods (cereals, dairy products, refined sugars, fatty meats, salty processed foods ...) one avoids all the superfluous fats and one exposes much less to the overweight.

Protein to be less hungry

The Paleo diet is a high protein diet that helps you to have less hungry especially through lean meats. These lean meats will help you lose weight as they boost your metabolism with their thermal effects and will help your body burn calories faster. In addition, a diet rich in protein helps your body feel fuller longer thus avoiding a quick return of the feeling of hunger and therefore decreases the tendency to eat more unhealthy foods.

A good balance of nutrients

The large amounts of fruits and vegetables (non-starchy) of this diet allows to benefit from the good fats. Indeed all fats are not bad, and it takes some of them so that our body produces its energy and that we feel in shape.

This diet therefore has the right balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats that will allow you a significant weight loss through a healthy diet. To summarize, you will lose weight as you will increase your metabolism and you will burn calories faster while eating good products for your health.

How many pounds can we lose with a Paléo diet?

Once is not custom, weight loss with the Paléo deferred diet from one person to another, depending on the motivation of each one, whether or not one sports activity in parallel, the level of stress ... That said, we can still establish a tendency towards those who follow this regime in a serious way without falling into excess.

Lose up to 7 pounds in one week

The result is that a majority loses 3 to 7 pounds in the first week and up to 12 pounds after two to three weeks. The extra pounds then become harder to lose but this is not impossible. It takes an average of 3 months to lose 23 pounds with this diet.

The Paleo diet, a progressive program that allows not to regain weight after

The Paleo method is aimed at those who want to lose weight gradually and over time. This diet does not have the detrimental effects of slimming programs because it is a medium / long term diet that happens unnecessary ingredients and that provides our body with an abundance of nutrients that are lacking in our modern diet. With a little exercise in addition to this diet, you will get even more satisfying results especially if you are targeting a particular slimming area like tummy, buttocks, thighs, hips or arms.

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  1. exactly, losing weight fast depends on foods and how much you eat using a diet .

    See : the egg diet 28 day
