5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

1-Lemon and Mint Water Infused 

 5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

If you are looking to get rid of your small abdominal buoy in a natural way while increasing your energy, then these detox drinks are made for you! The idea is to purify his body by giving it a break. A detox cure is not really a diet but rather a diet favoring plants, fruits and vegetables depuratives. The body needs to be drained and for this there is nothing like drinking plenty of water. Water infiltrating the cells cleans tissues and promotes the elimination of toxins. By combining it with ingredients chosen for their digestive properties or fat burning, it stimulates its body and helps to get rid of this little surplus that resists all our efforts. Here are some easy-to-make recipes that make miracles ...

2-Apple-Cinnamon Water Infused

 5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

On the level of popularity, the water infused with lemon and mint wins the palm! This recipe has the advantage of being at the same time inexpensive, very simple to realize and tasty. Rich in vitamin C, lemon helps to burn calories. It drains and purifies cells by eliminating toxins. Recognized for its digestive properties, mint is invigorating and stimulates bile secretion. This is a terrific combination to tackle abdominal fat!

Ingredients required:

1 or 2 lemons (yellow or green depending on your taste)

15 mint leaves
1 liter of water
Cut the lemons into slices and gently crush the mint leaves. Then place these ingredients in a pitcher that can be hermetically sealed, add water and refrigerate in the fridge. This preparation keeps up to 24 hours.

3-Mango-Ginger Infusion

 5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

Mango is one of the tropical fruits richest in antioxidants. Recommended as a fortifier, it also helps to regulate the blood glucose level. Ginger has a magic ingredient, gingerol, which activates the functioning of the intestines and the stomach, has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the elimination of fats. A duo of shock to melt the belly.

Ingredients required:

1 piece of 2 cm ginger root, peeled and cut into thin strips

1 cup fresh mango cubes
ice cubes
Pour your ingredients into a suitable pitcher, add ice cubes to half-height, fill with water and let cool for an hour ... a delight!

4-Banana-Flaxseed Smoothie

 5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

Contrary to what its bad reputation suggests, bananas are rich in potassium, which promotes the elimination of excess water from our body. Allied to a fat burner known as flaxseed, it will be all the more effective in removing unwanted adipose tissue.

Ingredients required:

1 banana

1 glass of orange juice
2 teaspoons of flaxseed
2 teaspoons of whey
Place all the ingredients in your robot and mix them well until they are completely liquid. This smoothie is consumed fresh, preferably at breakfast.

5-Freshness apple-cucumber Smoothie 

 5 Detox Drinks to Get a Flat Belly

You already know the magic effect of the cucumber for having tested it on your eyelids a day after party, but did you know that its fiber content makes it a particularly effective partner for getting rid of toxins.

See Also : Top 8 Foods to Avoid That Inflate Your Belly

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