How To Lose Weight : What to Eat for Breakfast To Lose Weight

We have all heard at some point in our lives that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Far from being an old tale of wives, this refrain is supported by numerous studies showing improved weight loss and maintained among those who take breakfast regularly. While people opt for just a cup of coffee for breakfast may think they are avoiding calories, in fact, this is likely to be detrimental to their efforts to lose weight.

Breaking the fast

As the name suggests, by eating breakfast, we are actually "breaking the fast" as usual we have not eaten since the previous dinner, about ten hours before. This helps to start the metabolism for the day. If we do not eat for long periods of time, our bodies tend to store energy as fat for the reserves rather than burn it. People who skip breakfast and do not eat until lunch time, which could be a good sixteen hours or more after their last meal, risk this fat storage that the body is not sure when it Will receive next fuel.

Fuel for the day

Eating breakfast provides fuel for your body and gives you energy for the day. Without breakfast, or with an inadequate breakfast, such as a cup of coffee, you are likely to feel lethargic and lethargic before even morning coffee break. By eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast, you are providing your body with important nutrients, as well as the energy it needs to perform its best throughout the day. A breakfast rich in protein and fiber allows you to stay longer for longer and prevent snacks throughout the day, reducing total calories. Eating breakfast has also been shown to improve concentration, which means you are likely to work more efficiently.

Making healthier choices

By eating a little healthy rhythm of nutrients, it prepares for a good start to the day. When the day begins with a healthy note, it is more likely to continue for the rest of the day. On the other hand, if you start the day with a donut and coffee, it's easy to write the day off as something unhealthy and make no effort to eat well during the day. (See also what are the healthiest foods to eat)

The Best Breakfast for Weight Loss

Rich in fiber and protein, low in fat and sugar
An ideal place to help you lose weight and keep it must be high in fiber and protein, as this will keep you sated longer breakfast. It should also be low in sugar and fat. A breakfast rich in sugar is likely to give you a quick burst of energy, followed by a fall when sugar levels drop, leading to cravings for sweeter foods. The best breakfasts are also balanced, containing a combination of food groups for a wide range of vitamins or minerals. Try to avoid empty calorie options that provide plenty of calories and very few nutritional benefits, such as donuts, pastries, high-sugar cereals and high-fat meats like bacon. If possible, include a source of complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, a source of low-fat protein and a fruit or vegetable for a well-balanced meal every morning.

Portion size still matters

Portions are also very important for weight loss. Even if you eat the healthiest breakfast if you eat large portions, you are still gaining weight. Read nutritional labels to get an idea of ​​what is considered a serving size and how many calories in a service. If you need to measure a part of the first time, so you know exactly how great it is. Basic breakfast in calories in about a quarter of their daily energy needs to lose weight, about 250 to 300 calories, depending on your weight, height, physical activity levels and sex.

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