Alkaline Water Benefits

Drinking water that is alkaline is believed by many to have more advantages, particularly benefits to your health with the theory that alkaline water that is ionized using a water ionizer or other methods is more beneficial.

What the FDA Says about this Theory

The FDA or Federal Food and Drug Administration states that nothing but a drug can be used to "treat, prevent, or cure a disease", but still some research has shown that even with regular water it is clear that those individuals who are hydrate-well function better both physically and mentally and are less opted to have ailments and disease such as heat stroke, headaches, fatigue, backaches, and hundreds of other dehydration-related problems.

How Does this Ionized Alkaline Work

Drinking water that is ionized alkaline will have a pH level of 8.0 to 9.5, meaning that it is more alkaline than bottled waters or tap water. The minerals in the water have gone through a process of electrolysis which makes them ionized. Ionized water is believed by some specialists to be "microclustered" meaning easier to infiltrate cells and offers hydration that is deeper. Water that is ionized also makes the minerals that are alkaline more absorbable by the body and pumps the body full of good oxygen and antioxidants.

Bottled Water and Ionization

there is something that is vital to remember - bottled alkaline water does not have a pH that remains stable and therefore does not have the benefits of this theory of ionization as provided by alkaline ionized water from an electric water ionizer.

Theory of What Ionized Alkaline Water can do

Most all aliments and diseases may be improved by drinking a minimum of half your body weight in ounces of quality-filtered water each day. But the alkaline water advantages of drinking ionized water may be much more noticeable and occur more instantly due to its ability to detoxify your body better than standard water.

check out these of the benefits people have seen changes in after drinking ionized water: increase energy; better sleep; body fat loss; better concentration, and memory; better vision; improved look of hair and skin; and fewer incidences with shorter durations of colds and flu.

Can Claims be Verified ?

Because water having a higher pH level than tap water is able to neutralize acid in the bloodstream, and increases your metabolism and also will help the body to grip nutrients more efficiently, many say that this water with help prevent disease and slow the aging process. But medical researchers have not been able to verify these claims.

Scientific Process - Replication

We live in a world of research in which theories and opinions about any medical process or effectiveness is not often accepted by the medical community using the results of any study that cannot be replicated repeatedly.

But there are some studies that do implies that alkaline water may help slow cartilage loss, but further investigation is warranted to determine what the overall alkaline water benefits truly are.

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  1. by my knowledge ionized alkaline water is made of mineral salts. Plain alkaline water is also made up of mineral salts.
