Tips and Tricks to Lose Weight Fast Naturally

#1 Hot water

Hot or warm water is an inexpensive, simple and effective remedy without any side effects.
Drinking hot water does not make you lose weight, but can help you lose weight.
By drinking 1 liter of water every day, during a light diet, your weight loss will increase.
Bring water to a boil for 3 minutes.
Drink hot, but not boiling water

What water to drink?

Drink spring water, tap water or mineral water.
All water is good when dieting, except sparkling water, which, besides its high salt content, promote the expansion of the stomach.

When to drink hot water

Drink hot water in the morning on an empty stomach
Drinking hot water regularly, before breakfast, helps the body to get rid of its toxins, has a depurative effect and facilitates gastrointestinal "washing".
Drink lukewarm water all day.

#2 Lemon hot water

The virtues of hot water can be multiplied thanks to the lemon.
Refreshing and stimulating, rich in vitamins C, copper and iron, lime juice or yellow, helps to slim down thanks to its appetite suppressant, fat burning and detox.
But do not overdo it if you suffer from stomach upset or kidney problems.
Drink in the morning a bowl of hot water in which you will pour the juice of half a lemon Drink all day long warm lukewarm water.

#3 Ginger tea

Drinking a ginger infusion to lose weight is an ancient tradition of the East. This herbal tea, to drink hot or cold, calms the appetite while giving you energy.

Cut a piece of ginger previously peeled with a knife (about 3 cm) and then cut the piece into thin strips. Arrange the slides in a teapot or a teapot, pour some simmering water on it.
Leave to infuse for about ten minutes.
The longer you let infuse, the more the "spicy" side of the ginger will come out.
Filter (otherwise the herbal tea will taste too strongly).
Drink the ginger infusion all day.

#4 Green tea

Green tea, specifically the catechins and caffeine it contains can help control our weight because it facilitates digestion, stimulates and drains the liver, promoting the transformation of stored fat into energy while having a cut effect -hunger.
In a cup or bowl, pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dried leaves. Let steep for 3 minutes.
Drink three cups of green tea a day.

#5 The apple

The apple is a fruit rich in pectins, which are fibers forming in the stomach a kind of gel that provides an immediate satiety effect.
In addition, the high pectin content of apples promotes fat metabolism.
When a craving crack in an apple! Your stomach will soon be full.

#6 Egg White 

Hard-boiled egg white, without the yolk, can moderate one without making you fat.
Eat hard egg white in case of cravings or before a meal.

#7 Coffee

Drinking coffee can therefore be used as an adjunct to diets, on one condition: drink moderately!
Half an hour before going to the table, drink a strong and sweet coffee, but never exceed 200 mg to 300 mg of caffeine per day or two to three cups or five to six coffees.
A higher consumption of coffee could be harmful to your health, and could cause the opposite effect by making you fat.

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